Are you a new art teacher and need help getting started? Are you a school or a homeschool who needs help creating an art curriculum? aRE YOU A LIBRARY, SCHOOL DISTRICT, park district or 4-H office WHO WOULD LIKE TO PURCHASE ART TOUCH KITS FOR classroom TEACHERS, 4-H leaders AND PARENTS TO CHECK OUT AND USE? Would you like to run a quality summer art camp but don't know where to begin? I can help!

i have 25 years of experience creating art curriculum and teaching art to grades k- 12, 15 years of experience creating art touch kits, 15 years of creating and teaching summer art and woodworking camps for ages 6- 18.

education: bfa with a specialty in art education from the University of illinois.

$55/ hour.

touch kit prices can range from $220- $350 each depending on the subject. In underserved areas, grants can pay for these!


Touch kits can center around a theme, an artist, a book, elements and principles of art and design, ART HISTORY, CAN BE CROSS-CURRICULAR- the sky is the limit! Touch kits come IN A CLEAR PLASTIC TOTES with complete lesson plans that are aligned with state standards, basic non-consumable supplies, a book, sample prints of applicable art, 3D samples, artist bio, and a basic supply list.  tHEY CAN BE HOUSED IN A SCHOOL, LIBRARY, extension office or resource center, available to be CHECKED OUT BY TEACHERS, leaders OR PARENTS WHO WANT TO GET MORE ART INTO THEIR KIDS' SCHOOL CURRICULUM. THEY CAN ALSO BE USED AS TEACHER RESOURCES FOR CLASSROOM TEACHERS OR NEW ART TEACHERS.