Becky Brooks     PHONE:  217-200-6955   EMAIL:



Hi Friends! I am an American artist and art teacher living and working in Frisco City, AL.  A native of Champaign, IL, my oil paintings are inspired by my beliefs and scenes from everyday life. I love to paint animals! Color revealed by strong light and shadow is a distinct quality of my work. I try to engage the viewer with a sense of narrative, filling the canvas with brushstrokes that tell a story of their own.

After earning a BFA in Art Education from the University of Illinois, I enjoyed a 25-year teaching career. Since renewing my passion for painting in 2014, I have shown my work in galleries in Illinois, Florida and Alabama. My art is currently represented at Black Belt Treasures Cultural Arts Center in Camden, AL. I also create commissioned drawings and paintings for clients throughout the country, teach art at Sparta Academy in Evergreen, Alabama, and teach art to kids through the local 4-H program.